Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Hello. It's been quiet over here, as I imagine it's been for most of you. Work and life feel so uncertain, and I am trying hard just to keep on a normal-ish routine. We have family coffee most mornings. I ride the Peloton for a bit. Then, it's on to work. I miss kids and going to my classroom. I miss seeing people and normal interactions and going out for dinner and grabbing coffee. Yesterday, I walked to my neighborhood coffee shop because I will be devastated if they close down, and I got so nostalgic for all the afternoons I've spent writing at their tables.

Everything feels so weird.

Since I clearly have nothing exciting to say, here are some other things you should read:

I'm reviewing and writing about every episode of Law and Order: SVU. You can sign up and it'll come to your inbox every day. 

In further self-promotion, I'll be on this comedy show tomorrow night at 6 PM PST.

The Discomfort You're Feeling Is Grief. 

This feels very true for me right now and it's not easy. I'm not bingeing but rather feeling anxious about staying "healthy" enough and eating the "right" things.

I found this Sarah Cooper article helpful and inspiring. 

The brilliant-as-always Shannon Reed for McSweeney's. 

I made this over the weekend and it's AMAZING. Recommend.

The rest of the time, this has been my view.

It's not the worst.

1 comment:


I haven't had much to say over here. Life feels sort of like it's all blending into one day. It's not the worst. In fact, as I r...